Browns Season Tickets: We made it to the lower level!

When the Browns were re-entering the NFL in 1999, a group of friends from high school - and some from work - bought personal seat licenses and season tickets. Putting aside the rip off of the license, which has since gone away, we've kept eight seats together ever since. If you follow the NFL, you can appreciate our level of diehard. The Browns have been awful every year, but every offseason we talk with renewed enthusiasm - knowing that one year we'll be right. 

We began in section 537 in the upper deck. More or less the nose bleed section. A few years ago we decided to try to move down some. Trying to keep the group together, we were able to get behind the endzone but still on the second level under the scoreboard, in section 345.

The scoreboard is being replaced before the 2014 season, and the renovations will take away the top rows of this section - so we have to move. 

A couple of days ago Matt got the call from the Browns and told the rep that he's part of a bigger group. He got us on a conference call quickly to discuss the situation, and what we wanted to do, and then we called the Browns rep together. A few hours later, we had agreed to move to the lower level - eight seats together - halfway up section 146. 

NOTE: We initially had 14 seats, but we've been at eight for the past several years after others had to drop out for one reason or another. Myself, Mike, Matt, and John all went to high school together and have had the seats since 1999. When one can't make it, our family members or friends use the seats. Bobby and Shane have been coming to games for a long time, and a few years ago they took over other's seasons tickets and are part of our eight. 

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