Our Run at the 2019 Para-7-a-Side World Cup in Spain

Our Run at the 2019 Para-7-a-Side World Cup in Spain

For the past three weeks I was with the U.S. Para 7-a-Side National Team (also called the Paralympic NT) at the International Federation of Cerebral Palsy Football (IFCPF) World Cup in Sevilla, Spain. It was one of the more rewarding teams / camps I’ve been a part of.

The tournament was played entirely at Sevilla FC’s Ciudad Deportiva Cisneros Palacios complex, with the final inside their reserve team’s stadium. Here’s the tourney notes I wrote before we started. We finished sixth overall, defeating Iran and Argentina and tying Ireland before losing to England in the Quarterfinals.

As I posted on Instagram, this team opened my eyes and taught me so much about athletes (people, in general), who are affected by some type of brain ‘trauma,’ be it from cerebral palsy, a stroke or another cause. You’d never know these guys have any physical impairment by just talking with them, or heck even watching them play. And while some have slightly more visible motor issues, I had a hard time saying they are ‘disabled.’ They can - and do - do everything everyone else does. And just like every USA team, these guys are competitors and take pride in their preparation and in representing their country.

They all have unique stories, and guys like Josh Brunais and Seth Jahn had me more star-struck then many of the high-profile international players / teams I’ve worked with (google them, or message me). It’s still a developing discipline, and I’m glad I had a chance to work with a group who one day we’ll look back to as pioneers for the sport.

Three Weeks in Sevilla, Spain

Three Weeks in Sevilla, Spain

Three Days in the Costa Rica Rainforest

Three Days in the Costa Rica Rainforest